What is a 3D Archery Parcours
Please note: The use of the Parcours should takes place only after arrangements and dates have been agreed per telephone or E-Mail with Highwood Archery. The Parcours is permitted only experienced and trained Archers. Beginners and inexperienced archers must be accompanied by a qualified person from Highwood Archery.
The positioning of the 3D targets on the parcours is to simulate the natural and realistic situations a bow-hunter should practice. As an alternative to conventional target archery, the practice of archery in natural surroundings is a particularly gratifying experience.
Whether alone or with like-minded companions, the skill of using the various contours and formations of the terrain, using natural cover, diverse target ranges and elevations, undulating terrain and uneven ground, awareness of wind, weather and sun, everything the great outdoors has to stimulate and motivate the archer!

Over the last 30 years, the popularity of instinctive archery and the 3D Parcours have grown to become recognised institutions world-wide. There are meanwhile numerous 3D-archery parcours and Highwood Archery is pleased to be the first in this region. We welcome you gladly to share the in joys of 3D archery.

Parcours preises here

See  link:
Highwood Archery - Instinktives Bogenschießen - Robert de Vere Bennett - Dorfstr. 16a, 17329 Hohenholz - Mobil: + 49 (0) 172 - 3809 724
Email: info@highwood-archery.com